3 underrated psychological thriller movies on Netflix!

Grab your popcorn and a cushion to hide behind because these underrated psychological thrillers movies on Netflix will make you question your own sanity! Contents hide 1 underrated psychological thriller movies on Netflix 1.1 The …

underrated Psychological Thriller Movies on Netflix
underrated Psychological Thriller Movies on Netflix

Grab your popcorn and a cushion to hide behind because these underrated psychological thrillers movies on Netflix will make you question your own sanity!

underrated psychological thriller movies on Netflix

The popularity of psychological thriller movies can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, these films provide a unique and intense cinematic experience. They challenge viewers intellectually, keeping them engaged with complex narratives and thought-provoking themes.

The exploration of psychological states and motivations adds depth to the storytelling, creating a gripping and immersive experience. Additionally, psychological thrillers frequently manipulate the perceptions and emotions of the spectator.

The element of surprise and unpredictability in psychological thrillers make them extremely engrossing and exciting to watch.

Furthermore, a variety of consumers tend to enjoy psycho-suspense movies. They merge several genres, including suspense, mystery, drama, and occasionally even horror.

They challenge viewers to think critically, analyze character motivations, and interpret the intricacies of the narrative. Through a variety of devices, including deftly executed plot twists, unreliable narrators, and exquisite pacing, these films masterfully create suspense.

Netflix has emerged as a leading streaming service for psychological thriller scary movies. Today in this article, I will tell you about the underrated psychological thriller movies on Netflix in 2023. I will discuss about each and every Netflix original series in detail, which will help you to choose the right movie for you.

The Definition and Characteristics of Psychological Thrillers

Before moving ahead, let me first tell you what are these psychological thrillers are?

Focusing on the psychological states and motivations of people, psycho-suspense movies are a film genre that enthralls viewers. Mind games are one of the fundamental characteristics of psychological thrillers. Characters use psychological trickery, deception, and tactical moves to build an exciting story that keeps the viewer guessing.

Suspense and tension are essential components in psychological thrillers. To develop and maintain tension throughout the film, filmmakers use tactics such as atmospheric photography, creative editing, and rigorous pacing.

Most suspenseful movies provide viewers with a deeper understanding of the motivations behind the characters’ actions by digging into their psychological states. Psychological thrillers have particular traits that set them apart from other genres. For starters, these films center their tales on the human mind, delving into characters’ psychological moods and motivations.

The genre is also distinguished by psychological depth and complexity. These films frequently have sophisticated tales with significant character arcs and plot developments.

Psychological thrillers, which explore themes such as obsession, manipulation, identity, and moral quandaries, challenge viewers to engage in a deep narrative that goes beyond surface-level enjoyment. Psychological thrillers have a tremendous impact on viewers, gripping their minds and emotions in ways that other genres frequently fail to do.

Underrated Psychological Thriller Movies on netflix

A. The Circle

underrated psychological thriller movies

The Circle  is the best suspenseful movie of all time. Contestants are confined in their apartments and communicate primarily through the social media network “The Circle.”

The goal is to develop popularity and influence in order to win the monetary reward. As the game proceeds, contestants form alliances and form friendships and strategies while keeping in mind that some players may be impersonating others.

“The Circle” offers an intriguing investigation of online relationships and the drive for popularity, thanks to its novel idea and an addicting blend of drama and strategy. The topic of self-presentation and identity creation is a key psychological element examined throughout the series.

Contestants can either express themselves genuinely or develop fake characters. This raises questions regarding the extent to which people change their online identities to conform to cultural expectations or obtain approval.

Another psychological component covered in “The Circle” is the theme of trust and deception. As they play the game, competitors must select who to trust and whether the ties they make are genuine. Catfishing adds another degree of deception, emphasizing the psychological impact of online anonymity and the difficulties of building true relationships in a virtual context.

It explores the emotional impact of gaining or losing influence and the psychological toll of strategic maneuvering to gain an advantage over others. The series touches on themes of isolation and loneliness. Despite being connected through the digital platform, contestants are physically isolated, leading to a sense of loneliness and longing for genuine human connection.

This exploration of isolation highlights the psychological implications of relying on virtual interactions and the potential impact on mental well-being.

The series inspires viewers to think about their own digital engagement and raises awareness of the psychological effects of virtual social environments by analyzing the psychological motivations, repercussions, and dynamics of online relationships.

“The Circle” has had a huge impact on the reality TV genre and has received excellent viewer feedback since its Netflix launch. By merging elements of social media, strategy, and human psychology, the series created a new and unique notion that connected with viewers.

In terms of genre, “The Circle” pushed the boundaries of reality television and increased its potential. The series provided a unique viewpoint on how individuals connect and show themselves in the digital age by studying the dynamics of online interactions and the effect of social media.

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B. Awake

underrated psychological thriller movies

Awake  is the best Netflix original series that takes place in a future where a global event interrupts technology and keeps people from sleeping. Jillian, a former cop, works hard to protect her family and find a solution. It is a Mark Raso Film.

Matilda, her daughter, can sleep, making her a great asset. Jillian joins forces with others, including scientist Murphy, to figure out what is causing the sleepless epidemic. As civilization falls, they face difficulties and frightening factions. Jillian’s sanity is put to the test as she battles hallucinations.

“Awake” delves into the effects of sleep deprivation on individuals and society, with a focus on perseverance and sacrifice. Suspense, fascinating characters, and a thought-provoking theme characterize the series. The documentary “Awake” investigates the psychological impact of sleep deprivation on individuals and society.

The series explores issues such as the fuzzy border between reality and illusion, psychological resilience in difficult conditions, trust loss, and the value of sacrifice and protection. As they traverse a sleepless environment, the characters experience mental decline, and paranoia, and spiral into madness.

“Awake” is a thought-provoking examination of the human psyche and the impact of extraordinary situations on mental well-being through these themes. It depicts the characters’ worsening mental states as they deal with tiredness, hallucinations, and the collapse of their cognitive faculties.

This aspect calls into doubt the fundamental need for sleep for human well-being. As the protagonists’ sleep deprivation worsens, the border between reality and hallucination blurs.

Her depiction skillfully depicts the character’s emotional arc, depicting Jillian’s tiredness, desperation, and strength. Rodriguez’s ability to express the psychological toll of sleep deprivation on Jillian gives the character depth and sincerity.

In terms of genre, the series offers a fresh and original premise. “Awake” adds a unique spin to the dystopian and thriller genres by delving into the category of underrated psychological thriller movies on Netflix.

C. Gerald’s Game

underrated psychological thriller movies

The film  Gerald’s Game  is a psychological thriller on Netflix movie based on Stephen King’s novel of the same name. The story follows Jessie Burlingame, a woman who goes on a private retreat with her husband Gerald in order to revive their relationship.

Their preparations are thwarted when Gerald dies of a heart attack while Jessie is bound to the bed. In “Gerald’s Game,” Jessie and her husband, Gerald, go to a distant cabin to spice up their marriage.

Things take a terrifying turn when Gerald dies unexpectedly from a heart attack while Jessie is chained to the bed. Jessie, trapped and alone, must confront her innermost fears and battle for survival. Jessie’s mental and emotional health deteriorates as she battles her inner demons without the prospect of deliverance.

“Gerald’s Game” is a psychological horror film that delves into various deep themes and components of the human psyche. Trauma, solitude, dread, and resilience are among of the series’ most significant themes and psychological elements.

Trauma is an important element in “Gerald’s Game.” The series investigates how childhood trauma can damage a person’s relationships and mental health throughout their lives.

The series explores the destructive consequences of trauma on the psyche through Jessie’s hallucinations and traumatic recollections. Another major subject in the series is isolation. Jessie is trapped in the secluded cabin with little possibility of rescue, resulting in intense isolation that exacerbates her mental and emotional suffering.

Resilience is another important element in “Gerald’s Game.” Jessie’s story demonstrates the human ability to persevere in the face of adversity. Despite apparently insurmountable obstacles, Jessie musters the courage to endure and confront her own demons.

In “Gerald’s Game,” Carla Gugino delivers a standout performance as Jessie Burlingame, effectively portraying her emotional journey and resilience.


A. Mind-Bending Thrillers

You might be thinking that until now I was talking about the underrated psychological thriller movies on Netflix, so now why I am talking about these Mind-bending thrillers? You are thinking right, as all the movies I have discussed above also have some sub genres within them, so I thought that I must share these with you as if you don’t like any of the above series so you can also look for other options available on Netflix.

These movies are a type of psychological thriller that can alter and question the viewer’s perspective of reality. These stories use elaborate storylines, unexpected turns, and complex storytelling techniques to build suspense and interest.

These films challenge audiences to rethink their assumptions about the plot, solve mysteries, and discover hidden meanings. Mind-bending thrillers strive to engage and intellectually stimulate audiences by pushing the boundaries of perception and reality through the investigation of unorthodox tales, untrustworthy narrators, and thought-provoking subjects.

Characteristics of Mind-Blending Thrillers:
  1. Mind-bending thrillers often feature unreliable narrators, characters whose perspective or recollection of events cannot be fully trusted. This narrative technique introduces doubt and intensifies the suspense as viewers must discern the truth amidst the distorted storytelling.
  2. Mind-bending thrillers are renowned for their unforeseen plot twists and surprising revelations. They consistently keep the audience on edge, defying expectations and upending assumptions about the story’s trajectory. These unexpected twists frequently reshape the narrative, resulting in a fresh comprehension of the events and compelling viewers to reevaluate their understanding of the story.
  3. Non-linear storytelling techniques, in which events are presented out of chronological sequence, may be used in mind-bending thrillers. This non-linear form adds intricacy and interest, requiring the audience to piece together the narrative’s jigsaw.
  4. These films frequently feature difficult puzzles and mysteries that the spectator must solve. Clues and indications are interspersed throughout the plot, encouraging viewers to actively participate and solve the mystery alongside the protagonists.
  5. Mind-bending thrillers probe the perilous line between reality and delusion. They purposefully blur the line between what is objectively real and what occurs purely within the protagonists’ thoughts by employing surrealism, dream sequences, and altered states of consciousness.
  6. Mind-bending thrillers frequently explore metaphysical and philosophical concepts, including identity, perception, and the nature of existence. They compel the audience to reflect on profound inquiries about reality and the human experience.
  7. Mind-bending thrillers frequently combine symbolic imagery and narrative motifs that contain profound meanings and serve as clues to uncover the story’s riddles. These symbols deepen the narrative’s psychological and intellectual depth, offering levels of meaning and inviting viewers to engage in a deeper comprehension of the story’s themes and ideas.
Examples of mind-bending thriller movies available on Netflix

Inception” explores dreams within dreams, taking viewers on a complex journey through layers of reality.

Shutter Island” blurs the line between truth and delusion as a U.S. Marshal investigates a disappearance at a psychiatric facility.

The Machinist” follows a troubled factory worker’s descent into a surreal and twisted reality due to extreme insomnia.

Predestination” tackles time travel, identity, and paradoxes as a temporal agent embarks on a complex mission.

Enemy” explores the unsettling events that occur when a man discovers his doppelgänger, challenging his perception of reality.

The Invitation” creates psychological suspense as a man attends a mysterious dinner party with hidden motives and secrets.

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B. Psychological Horror Thrillers

Psychological horror thrillers or psycho-suspense movies are a kind of horror that focuses on characters’ psychological pain and anxiety.

Psychological horror films, rather than depending primarily on gore or jump scares, create an atmosphere of unease and dread through psychological tension, compelling storytelling, and frightening imagery.

They intend to upset and disturb viewers psychologically by appealing to their deepest fears and concerns. These films frequently investigate the fragility of sanity and the hazy line between reality and hallucination.

These films delve into the dark corners of the human psyche, testing the audience’s perspective of reality and digging into topics of insanity and the fragility of sanity.

Psychological horror movies prioritize psychological depth over gore, eliciting emotional responses from viewers. They frequently use ambiguity to undermine expectations and leave opportunities for interpretation. These films offer a terrifying insight into the human psyche by digging into deep emotions and phobias.

Impact of Psychological Thrillers on Audiences

Psychological thrillers have a strong psychological impact on their spectators. They generate suspense and tension, which leads to increased arousal and attentiveness. Throughout the film, viewers get emotionally engaged, experiencing fear, anxiety, and anticipation.

These top-rated psychological thrillers engage viewers’ cognitive capacities by challenging them to think critically and actively participate in decoding the secrets. The emotional rollercoaster allows for catharsis while also prompting thoughts on personal worries and moral quandaries.

Caution: These films’ dramatic nature can cause an adrenaline rush, creating a lasting impression on the spectator. When watching psychological thrillers, keep in mind your own degree of comfort.

As you will be absorbed in the captivating narratives and frightening events, they frequently experience emotions like fear, anxiety, anticipation, and even empathy for the characters.

This emotional connection heightens the film’s overall impact, bringing viewers further into the psychological complexities and increasing their sense of suspense and involvement. Psychological thrillers have cultural value because they reflect society’s worries, explore human psychology, have an impact on filmmaking, have an effect on audience psychology, and are popular in popular culture.

They elicit emotional and psychological responses in viewers, encouraging self-reflection and broadening comprehension.

These films have become a prominent genre, impacting cultural conversation and attracting different audiences as a result of their popularity and cultural influence. Psychological thrillers on television opened the path for complex characters and elaborate plotlines.

Video games have embraced the genre’s interactive element, providing players with immersive and emotionally overwhelming experiences. Furthermore, psychological thrillers have influenced filmmaking skills by using suspenseful approaches and atmospheric narratives.

Overall, psychological thrillers have had an impact across different mediums, attracting viewers and generating tales that dive into the depths of the human psyche.


Psychological thriller films are significant and popular because of their examination of the human mind, suspense and tension, mind-bending plots, emotional engagement, thought-provoking issues, cinematic brilliance, and cultural effect.

They elicit strong emotions and encourage meditation on moral quandaries, stirring debate and engaging audiences on a deep level. Psychological thrillers continue to attract and amaze viewers due to their sophisticated filming techniques and lasting cultural impact, making them a highly recognized genre in the film business.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is psychological thriller a horror?

    No, a psychological thriller is not a horror, as psychological thriller movies can be attributed to several factors.

  2. Why are psychological thrillers scary?

    Psychological thrillers have a strong psychological impact on their spectators. They generate suspense and tension, which leads to increased arousal and attentiveness.

  3. Why do people like psychological thrillers?

    They elicit emotional and psychological responses in viewers, encouraging self-reflection and broadening comprehension.

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